Professional Pictures Vs. Cell Phone Pictures

Are you frugal? Me too.

Even as a professional photographer, I often have trouble pulling the trigger to get my family's photo's professionally taken.

The cost of the outfits, the energy that goes into getting everyone ready, being on time, having everyone in a good mood at once and of course the cost!

What if the pictures don't even come out good and it was all for nothing?

It is cheaper to just take pictures with your cell phone and the images are practically the same, right?



When you compare the features of your cell phone to a professional camera, the specifications vary greatly.

Whether it's the megapixels, the sensor, the lens's. the speed at which the camera operates or the settings, the professional camera will do it 5x's better than the cell phone.

You will get substantially better quality photos with the professional camera and unless you are a professional photographer, you will not want to pay the cost of all this gear just to get your own images taken.

The cell phone is good to have for casual moments, but when you want high quality images with the best resolution, professional poses, thoughtful composure, genuine captures, impactful lighting, and detailed editing, you choose a professional photographer with professional equipment.


Yes, hiring a professional photographer is more expensive than having your friend take your cell phone picture.

However, having professional quality images makes it worth it.

When the days go by as fast as they do with so many memories along the way, some of which should really stand out and showcase who you and/or your children are today.


You, your grandkids, your great, great grandkids are going to see these pictures.

These pictures aren't just for your social media profile picture anymore.

They are for generations to come. They will have access to these images more easily and frequently than we do.

Give them a story about who you and your children are with emotion to it.

Make them feel like they are in this moment with you.

Let them see all of your characteristics and features in full detail so they can find what parts of them came from you.

How much was your air mattress that you hardly ever use and deflates when people lay on it?

How much does it cost to get your professional photos done that will last a lifetime?

See my point?

The Happy Medium

When our looks and the people in our lives change quickly, I recommend getting your professional pictures taken once a year.

You can set aside that money you were planning on using for something you will hardly use and spend it on professional family pictures instead.

It's important to preserve your history for yourself, your kids, your family and generations to come.